Monday, May 2, 2011

Questioning the Media ch. 16

2. If you owned a community  newspaper and had to formulate a policy for your editors about which letters from readers could appear in a limited space on your editorial page, what kinds of letters would you eliminate and why? Would you be acting as a censor in this situation? Why or why not?

If I owned a newspaper my first concern would be credibility, therefore I would want my newspaper to be as unbiased as possible.  So the first policy would be to show both sides of the story.  I would set a quota for each side in order to have a decent amount of each opinion.  It does not have to be totally equal but as long as there is a chance for each side of the story to be heard.  The way I could utilize the small amount of space is by publishing the letters that have the most relevance to the story and is not just some crazy person going off on how much they hate or love something.  I would want opinions and views based off of facts in my paper.  In that way I would be a sort of a censor but as long as there is not something totally inappropriate and illegal to be published then I would not mind whatever people have to say.  

3. The writer A.J. Liebling once said that freedom of the press belonged only to those who owned one.  Explain why you agree or disagree.

Technically speaking, yes I believe that he is right although I think I still have a different opinion than him.  Freedom of the press only belongs to people who have them because they physically have a press to use and say what they want.  Freedom of the press does still belong to people who do not have a press but they do not have access to a press so they cannot exercise that freedom.  If they pay someone to use it or get their own then they their previously dormant freedom becomes active and they can exercise it.  Everybody has the same freedoms, just not everyone can exercise all of their freedoms.

Questioning the Media ch. 15

2. One charge that has been leveled against a lot of media research-both the effect and the cultural models-is that is has very little impact on changing our media institutions. Do you agree or disagree and why?

 I disagree, I think research has shown what has become more popular and what people tend to gravitate towards and it has changed the media.  There is a reason people have started to get their news online as opposed to the television or newspaper.  The same reason also explains reasons for the invention of things like the kindle and ebooks.  The explanation is simple, the internet is easy to access and things as small as kindles and laptops are easy to carry around.  Someone can go into a coffee shop and read infinitely more news on his or her laptop than they can through a newspaper.  This research and observations have encouraged newspapers and other news sources to now put all their information online.

3. Can you think of an issue that media industry and academic researchers could study together? Explain.

A blazing issue came to mind when I read this question and it was the effects of television on young children and learning.  Children watch an enormous amount of television and are extremely influenced by it.  Even into their older years are they influenced by it.  I just recently started watching a few episodes of some shows I watched from when I was a kid.  I realized many of them had similar themes and values and upon some contemplating I realized that I also hold many of those values as important values.  The question is can the media industries help researchers time how much television kids watch and help them come up with a way to positively influence these kids.  Examples would be of when kids watch television the most and if researchers determine kids do learn from television.  Therefore they could collaborate and determine when it is the best time to show positively influencing and educational shows. 

Questioning the Media ch. 13

1. Are you exposed to popular culture from other countries? Why or why not? Give some examples.

 Personally, yes I am exposed to popular culture from other countries.  Although it is not because I go out of my way to seek exposure and I do not have many friends from outside the country.  The reason I am exposed to popular culture from outside the country is because I am learning German.  I know speaking German is not apart of popular culture but during class we also talk about German culture and how it is different from American culture, popular or not.  I have learned things like American traditional dating is not the same as German and that Germans listen to very different types of music.  I do have friends who have been to other countries but even if they did try to influence what popular culture they learned in other countries I do not believe it would take hold in America or even with a small group of friends. 

2. Do you read international news? Why or why not?

No, I do not read international news.  The reason is because I do not even read national news, why would I bother to read international news then?  The news has really never interested me unless it has to do with sports, for example I did not even know about the British Royal Wedding until the day before it happened.  If it is important I figure I will learn about it one way or the other.  Another example, I did not watch the news or go online to a news website to learn about Osama bin Laden being killed.  I heard it as people screamed it down my hall and posted over Facebook.  The news hardly has anything good to say so I do not care to listen to all the things that are wrong with us when I am not really in a position to fix things.  I would rather read about who made good draft picks or who got traded or cut.  Therefore, international news is of no interest to me.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Questioning the Media ch. 12

1. What do you think of when you hear the term public relations? What images come to mind? Where did these impressions come from?

Sports have played a major role in my life and when I think of public relations I think of professional athletes, specifically NFL players.  All I really watch is ESPN and NFL Network, and those are just sports all day and night.  I do not follow gossip on celebreties but if an NFL or other professional athlete gets in trouble I hear it almost immediately.  When I think of public relations I think of how the public views these professional athletes.  Although I generally think of it in a negative way because it is not important on how the public views athletes until they have a bad opinion of him/her.  No one tries to fix a good reputation and there is certainly no news coverage on somebody who everyone thinks is a nice guy.

4. Can and should the often hostile relationship between the journalism and PR professions be mended? Why or Why Not?

The hostile relationship between those two professions should absolutely be mended.  Although I do not believe it could happen as long as journalist stay the way they are.  Journalist try to make someone look bad because it will get that person in the news and the journalist will make money and PR people try to mend that bad news.  As long as journalist are willing to go to the stretches that they do then there will be no success in mending the hostility.  Although it is also slightly on the public's fault.  If people did not eat up and enjoy hearing about successful people's downfall than there would be no reason for the journalists to cover it so intensely. 

Questioning the Media ch. 11

2. Why are so many people critical of advertising?

People are critical of advertising for very fundemental reasons.  Advertising may support, and try to gain support, for things they do not like or do not approve of.  A mother is not going to like seeing an advertisement with people smoking in public places around children, and Europeans are not going to like the Bud Light commercial mocking them for wearing speedos.  People become spitfully critical of things they do not like or agree with.  Advertising covers all realm of possibilites for products and services.  Therefore with everything being availble for advertising it makes it easier for people to be critical of it  Although it would not be fair, or Constitutional, to limit what can and can not be advertised.  Last year I heard a commercial for a website that helps people in relationships find affairs, of course I did not like that but maybe someone else does. 

7. Is advertising at odds with the ideals of democracy? Why or Why Not?

I do not believe advertising is at odds with the ideals of democracy at all.  If anything, I believe it is rather in accordance with the ideals as long as it is not limited to certain products or services.  Advertising is a form of speech, and democracy allows for free speech which includes advertising.  Not everyone is going to like what every single other person says but that can not possibly be expected with all the opinions that exist.  Advertising may appeal to some people, but not all.  Although that does not mean its free speech should be impeded.  The only time when advertising really should be absolutely limited is when people are telling lies about products.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Questioning the Media ch. 8

1. What kinds of stories, topics, or issues are not being covered well by mainstream papers?

I know it is rather cliche and pretty typical but feel-good stories are never typically in the papers.  The papers attract people because of the dark, grueling and sad stories it portrays so often, nationally and internationally.  Generally one will see the headlines talking about some natural disaster, terrorist attack, lack of oil or how poor the economy is.  I am not saying that these things do not need to be reported because they most certainly do but so do the good things that happen.  It would raise national moral and possibly inspire people want to do better things.  Mainstream papers could reach the whole nation and just like it is disappointing to hear bad news it is inspiring to hear good news.

5. Will blogs and other Internet news services eventually replace newspapers? Explain your response.

I do not think that newspapers will ever get replaced, at least not by something electronic. There are far too many stipulations that are required to read things on the Internet.  Not everybody has such accessibility or think it is just too much trouble to read things on the Internet.  Some people would rather sit down and read a nice paper in the coffee shop and tossing it once they are done rather than carrying around their laptop, connecting to wifi, that you have to pay for sometimes, and reading off a computer screen.  Plus there will always be that nostalgic feeling that people will have for newspapers. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Questioning the Media, ch. 6

1. How many cable channels do watch regularly? What programs do you watch? What attracts you to a certain channel?

I watch about about four cable channels; ESPN, Cartoon Network, NFL Newtwork and ABC.  I really do not wander far from those channels unless I see a movie on some other channel that I want to watch.  I watch just about show that comes on ESPN except Jim Rome is Burning and Baseball Tonight because I do not really like Jim Rome's show and I can not stand baseball so I am not at all interested in what is going on in the baseball world, plus they are all cheaters anyways.  On Cartoon Network I watch Adventure Time and the Regular Show and that is all I watch on CN.  I will watch anything on NFL Network and I watch Modern Family on ABC.  What attracts me to these things is that they all interest me or entertain me.  Learning what is going on in the sports world is about as educational as I get on TV.

4. CNN and MTV have changed out society as well as the global culture.  Have these changes been positive or negative? Explain.

As much as I enjoy MTV, which is a lot, I do not exactly think it has impacted society in a positive matter and niether has CNN.  MTV was good back in the day when it only played music but now it plays a bunch of reality TV that is absoultely useless.  Everything on those shows revolves about who is having sex with who and who is going to fight in this episode.  It is really annoying, I would much rather just watch music videos all day.  CNN does deliever news that is slightly usefull but it is extremely biased, as every other news station is, and it only reports negative things. If someone only watched all the bad news they report then I think that person could fall into a state of depression. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Questioning the Media, ch. 5

1. Describe your earliest memories of watching television.  What was your favorite show? Which, if any, shows did your family watch together? Were there shows that you were not allowed to watch? Which ones and why?

My earliest memory is of watching Pokemon.  Everyday after school I would come home and watch the recorded episode of Pokemon.  My babysitter was good with electronics and would always record the episodes for me on the VCR player.  She would always try to teach me how to do it but I had no clue how.  I had tapes and tapes full of episodes.  I remember on a vacation up to oVirginia my mom put a T.V. in the car and we bought new episodes to watch on the way up, I was so excited that I watched one the night before...and then again on the ride up.  Although my family and I would always watch Jepordy together.  There is only one show I remember not being allowed to watch and that is Rugrats, I watched it anyways but my mom did not want me to.  She said they were bad influences because they misbehaved and she did not want me to do that.

2.  How much television do you watch today? Which programs do you try to watch regularly? What attracts you to your favorite programs?

I do not have an exact scientific answer for how much TV I watch but I know it is not much.  I have actually started watching more TV in college than I did in high school, which is still very little.  about 90% of the TV I watch is some kind of sport related topic.  I want to make my profession in broadcasting sports and possibly my own TV show, so not only do I get to watch sports but I get to see how the broadcasters act and talk to try and pick up some tips.  I watch a lot of games but I also watch just about anything on ESPN or NFL network.  Although my favorite show is Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, as some can tell from the jacket I wear everywhere.  Yes it is a kids show on cartoon network but it is actually really funny. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Questioning the Media, ch. 4

1.  When I first started listening to the radio I was no older than 9.  My babysitter who I had for about nine plus years drove us to school everyday and we listened to 99X, the frequency was 99.7 because it was her favorite station.  I remember that listening to that station for years and to date that is still my favorite radio station.  I heard several morning shows come and go through that station and was dissapointed every single time it happened.  I have even heard 99X leave the air and come back on 97.9 as "99X on 97.9." I do not remember any specific song that I absolutely loved but that radio station introduced me to my favorite type of music.  It was not a top 40 station but an alternative rock station and that is my favorite type of music because I listened to it so much as a kid.

3.  If I owned and managed a commercial radio station I would have my radio station run in a similar format to my favorite radio station at home.  In the mornings I would have a talk show covering all types of things including sports news and pop culture.  In the afternoons and evenings I would play music.  Most of my commercials would player during rush hour, in the morning and afternoon.  I would play an blend of most types of music in order to be unique and not just a Top 40 station.  I would play alternative rock, rock, rap, and techno.  I would format my station this way because from listening to several types of stations this was my favorite type of format.

Questioning the Media, ch. 3

Q 1. I first favorite singer was actually a rapper, Eminem. I was nine when I first heard the song on the Grammies' winner album.  I clearly did not understand all of the lyrics but I remember thinking it was very catchy.  I did understand some of the lyrics but it just occured to me as funny, nothing obscene.  It was my first exposure to rap and I really liked it.  I liked the beats and the catchiness to it.  The lyrics did not mean much to me until I got older but as I got older I understood them more and depending on the song I could relate. As I gew up I continued to listen to Eminem and he is still my favorite rapper. 

Q 2. When I read this question I thought it was funny because I am apart of a noncommercial campus radio station.  I do not exactly have a plethora of songs to select from but I like to play a combination of songs that are popular but also some not-as-popular songs. By not-as-popular I mean songs that do not get as much air-time as big time artists get because you never know when someone listening might be able to help.  Also I like to play a few songs that I personally like with the hope that I might get a call saying play more music like that and introduce someone into a new type of music they might like. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Questioning the Media, ch. 1

1. As a child I loved the card game and TV show Pokemon.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever and collected tons of cards and got my babysitter to tape the shows that played while I was at school so I could watch them as soon as I got home.  Although as I grew older I liked pokemon less and less until it was no longer apart of my hobbies or everyday rotuine.  The show itself was childish and inmature and I suppose as I grew older into my teenage years I wanted to look like a cool kid and be all "mature" and what not.  Ironically that is not a very mature attitude at all so in time I grew away from that as well.  Pokemon was a very creative idea, very odd but creative and I think that effected the way I have thought growing up.  Imaging things that are not exactly real or possible but thinking they would be cool if they were, like if Pokemon were real. 

5. Mass communication such as e-mail, MTV and CNN have all been great forms of mass communication and information.  They have allowed for almost instant access to all of the world's current events.  Although as great as they may be they have resulted in former means of communication to become almost obsolete.  Because of the way information can be seen the importance of newspapers has declined.  Generally when I wanted to learn about what happened in sports around Atlanta I had to wait until Saturday to read the AJC to find out what happened.  Although because of the Internet and TV I can find out what I wanted to know almost instantly Friday night, long before the paper shows up.  Newspapers have been in drastic decline in demand because the Internet and TV can supply everything a newpaper can easier and faster.