Thursday, January 20, 2011

Questioning the Media, ch. 1

1. As a child I loved the card game and TV show Pokemon.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever and collected tons of cards and got my babysitter to tape the shows that played while I was at school so I could watch them as soon as I got home.  Although as I grew older I liked pokemon less and less until it was no longer apart of my hobbies or everyday rotuine.  The show itself was childish and inmature and I suppose as I grew older into my teenage years I wanted to look like a cool kid and be all "mature" and what not.  Ironically that is not a very mature attitude at all so in time I grew away from that as well.  Pokemon was a very creative idea, very odd but creative and I think that effected the way I have thought growing up.  Imaging things that are not exactly real or possible but thinking they would be cool if they were, like if Pokemon were real. 

5. Mass communication such as e-mail, MTV and CNN have all been great forms of mass communication and information.  They have allowed for almost instant access to all of the world's current events.  Although as great as they may be they have resulted in former means of communication to become almost obsolete.  Because of the way information can be seen the importance of newspapers has declined.  Generally when I wanted to learn about what happened in sports around Atlanta I had to wait until Saturday to read the AJC to find out what happened.  Although because of the Internet and TV I can find out what I wanted to know almost instantly Friday night, long before the paper shows up.  Newspapers have been in drastic decline in demand because the Internet and TV can supply everything a newpaper can easier and faster.

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